Wednesday 28 November 2012

Getting up early with NLP

Are you a morning person or do you fight your alarm clock?
Watch Phil's latest video about how morning people get up and change your morning routine...

If you'd like to master NLP then Phil's brilliant  NLP training courses are here.

Do you have something to share about how you get up? Please leave a comment
Phil x

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Why NLP?

NLP is a vital set of tools you can apply to pretty much any area of human experience.
As it teaches you how to take on the insights and mind sets of champions it provides a short cut to achieving the kind of results that would otherwise take a lot of trial and error. Cutting out some of the hard work normally associated with success makes it so much easier to get what you want. And, surely, everyone wants that?
This systematic approach has been applied to so many fields already. These include health, peak performance, business success and emotional well being, and as it grows it's continually being applied to new fields.
So if you're interested in a relatively rapid, lasting, effective approach to getting want you want, or helping others to achieve that, then find out more about the fascinating of NLP.

Friday 20 July 2012

New NLP training course

Just a few weeks away from the start of our amazing NLP training course, there's only a few places left. So please get in contact if you'd like to do something extraordinary with your life, that makes a difference, gives something back and leaves you feeling fulfilled and excited.

INTRODUCTION by Phil Parker, the course leader.

Monday 28 November 2011

Happy NLP Clinical Hypnotherapy and life coaching students

This just in from one of this year's students on the diploma course in NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy and life coaching.

Just wanted to drop a line to let you know that since starting the Practitioner Training Course in September, I have been experiencing more positive change in my personal life than ever before.  Today was exceptional, albeit in very ordinary ways, but I handled a multitude of minor issues in such away that nearly all had positive outcomes and I wasn't drained by the end of the day.  Not perfect by any means, but now I know much more about how to get the life I love and therefore its much better for those I love too and this is just the beginning.
Looking forward to the day when I can help others achieve this too.  
It all started a year ago when I took my daughter to take the Lightning Process.  She has her 12 year old life back and I am on the path to getting the best out of mine too, when it has been 'stuck' for at least 13 years, probably for much longer, to some degree or another,
Thank you Phil for making this possible.
See you in a few weeks,
very best wishes

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Wednesday 21 September 2011

New college year - NLP and being present

Just about to start another exciting year at the PPTI. Last chance to join in the fun of learning how to be the best NLP, Hypnotherapy, coaching practitioner you can be!
Watch Phils video about being present, Bhuddist thought, timelines and NLP

Friday 15 July 2011

Serotonin, SSRI's and 'depression with no low mood'

Victoria's question: It would be great to find out your thoughts on how we can use NLP to improve serotonin levels without taking SSRI's.

My GP told me I have low serotonin or "depression without the low mood" - ...which has interesting implications for the biological model of depression. Even tho i am super energetic and happy, i was told i have physical symptoms of depression - IBS and waking up at 4am being key ones. Luckily for me, SSRIs have been an effective treatment. But i am curious about serotonin. Mostly because its such a strange thing to be told you have depression when you're living the life you love!

So if indeed serotonin is the issue in depression, IBS or anything else, it would be interesting to see how far we can effect it without drugs.

Phil Parker It's difficult to agree with your doctors opinion; the nhs website states... Depression: There are no physical tests for depression, so detailed interviews and questionnaires are usually used to make a diagnosis.
One could agree you have a clinical findings of low serotonin, but without symptoms of changed/lowered mood a diagnosis of depression is difficult to support.

V:It's a weird one and I was surprised! You've met me, do I seem depressed?!!!! All I can say is that when I take the SSRI's my tummy stops hurting!

PP: serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the brain and gut. SSRI's prevent reuptake of serotonin; this means there's more of it hanging around the nerve synapses allowing for easier transmission of nerve signals along the happier pathways of the brain
Can we affect the use of these pathways without ssri...yes and should that in turn affect serotonin production ...yes it should.
Also I'd use a 'parts' approach (see previous blog) on your tummy!

Damien:  I find this very interesting , when I had ME , one Doctor told me I had non melancholic depression ....I have thought about this many times and would love to speak to him again to find out what he was getting at...he may have had a point but lacked the language to express it ....non melancholic depression...what do you make of that?

PP: He probably meant somatised depression..meaning he thought your body was expressing your unhappiness for you...or maybe you were physically ill with M.E

Damien: Well the LP sorted it and has changed my life ......Ill leave it at that !
Victoria: Thank you for the explanation phil. I was curious after reading about it in the 'du' book. When u explained it as a process of 'duing poor neurotransmission' I thought that was a really interesting way to look at something I would previousl...y have thought as quite static and that we have little influence over. So it is interesting to see it in a way we can affect, hence the request for you to blog. So thanks for going beyond that and responding to my individual situation, much appreciated.

PP: no problem, always happy to help. That chapter in the dû is very important, it reminds us that virtually nothing in the body is static, even apparently solid things like bones are in the process of being constantly remodelled, everything ca...n be seen as a process a verb rather than a noun. Neuro transmitters are produced and reabsorbed at the synapses (or denatured by the liver, etc), all in response to how much is needed at any one time. One of the things that accounts for how much is needed is how much, and what kinds of thinking we are dûing!